When I was about 10 years old, my 5th grade teacher told my mother I was having problems seeing the blackboard. What??? I had no idea I couldn't see. I was carted off to the optometrist. All I remember about him was that he was really old and so was his entire staff. Of course, I was 10 so anyone over the age of 15 was ancient!!
To my glee, I needed glasses. I was totally thrilled!!! I was also crazy!!! I sat at a little table to pick out my first pair of frames. The old lady working there kept trying to sway me toward these little granny-type glasses but I had already spotted the pair I wanted. They were larger, roundish, and brown. Don't they sound exquisite?? God only know what they looked like on me. I picked them out simply because I liked the way the looked on the display.
It took about 2 weeks for them to come in and I was so anxious to get them. Finally, we got the call to come pick them up. I put them on and was in heaven!!! I loved them...I wanted to wear them all the time...I wanted to sleep in them. They were a thing of beauty-the 8th wonder of the world. My spectacular spectacles...
Shortly after that I realized they weren't really that spectactular; they were a huge pain in the ass. They made it damned near impossible to run around outside like the crazy hillbilly child that I was. I mean this was back when kids played outside...back before computers and video games. Ever tried jumping through bushes, crawling under a 50 year old garage, or jumping your hippity hop through an elaborate obstacle course with a pair of glasses on? Not easy to do!
That was the beginning of my life with corrective lenses. I've now worn glasses or contacts for over 31 years. I've thought about lasik surgery but never really considered it. I don't like the idea of anyone cutting on my eye. I'm a baby...
Then along come these new corrective contracts...Paragon CRT lenses. They're therapeutic lenses that you sleep in, take out in the morning, and you can see. What????? Are you kidding me??? What genius designed these things and can I shake his or her hand??
The way they work is just like lasik surgery...they flatten out your cornea and correct your vision. The difference is the lenses don't provide permanent flattening and you don't have to have your eyeball sliced open. If you have problems with the lenses, you just quit wearing them, and your vision goes back to shit. I knew I had to have them.
I picked mine up yesterday and slept in them for the first time last night. Today I went to the optometrist and my vision was already better. In just a few days my vision will be 20/20 or near it without any correction. I'm already in heaven!!!!
As an added bonus....the optometrist is cute and he got his undergrad at Virginia Tech!! Both are plusses!! That reminds me of a story about my friend Willow and a crush she once had on her optometrist but I'll save that for another day.
I have to go look around and see what all I can see with my new eyeballs!!!!
Chick out...
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