Most women of marriage age have heard of The Knot. That website where brides go for everything wedding-related...what dresses are in fashion, popular wedding hairstyles, hot honeymoon locales. They go there to commiserate with other brides about the woes of their wedding plans. Why do they have the site? Because no one but brides want to talk about this shit. Most of us really don't give a damn.
I’ve come up with a new idea for those of us that aren’t longing to be stuck with one man for the rest of our lives. A man who will piss on our toilet seats, eat our favorite snacks, and hog the bed. Men who never notice that we change our hairstyles but go to work and fawn over a female co-worker’s great new haircolor our new outfit.
I want someone to start a website call the “The Not”. It would be for those of us that enjoy being single. It’s not that I’m opposed to marriage but I’ve never met a man who could have a little dick trickle on my toilet seat that I wouldn’t want to strangle with his own scrotum. Call me picky…I don’t care. I’m sure there are men out there who go ballistic at the sight of a box of tampons in their home. I don’t fault them for that.
The Not. We singles (gals and guys) could hang out there and read stories about the meals that are best eaten while standing at the kitchen counter. Articles on how to forgive ourselves for using all the hot water or not putting toilet paper on the roller because we have no one else to blame. Articles on how we never have to feel guilty because we spent $300 on a cut and color. There will be a TV section because we can always watch whatever we want on TV without having to negotiate with "him".
*sigh*…life is good.
The Not…the hot internet spot for the single gals. Those of us that have chosen not to tie the knot. I like it!
Note: To be honest I tried typing in thenot.com and it went to The Knot! Those crafty, friggin' bastards!!!
Chick out…