Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I love Christmas movies!!!

Today is December 1st so I’m going to start watching my plethora of Christmas movies. I love Christmas movies and I’m not sure why. Maybe they remind me of the magic of the season that has been missing from my life for so many years. Maybe so many of them remind me of my childhood. Whatever the reason, I love them

Today I watched one of my favorites. A classic TV movie from 1972…The House Without a Christmas Tree, which is based on the book of the same name by Gail Rock. This one only came out on DVD a couple years ago and I ordered it immediately. I knew it had to be part of my collection.

I remember watching this one when I was a wee, little hillbilly and it broke my heart. It’s about a little girl (Addie) in Nebraska who’s mother died during childbirth. Her father is left so bitter by her death that he never lets Addie have a Christmas tree. She plots and plots to get a tree. She even has the carolers from school come to her house to sing to her father...."O Christmas Tree". What a little schemer. In the end she finally wins a tree in a school contest. In the end her father does finally come around and realize that he can't mourn his wife forever and needs to be there for Addie.

It’s a story of love, hope, loss, and understanding and still brings tears to my eyes at the age of 41. Now it touches my heart and make it glow with happiness instead of making me sad. It’s a simple story with a huge meaning.

Thanks to the glory of youtube, I was able to find a video to give you a glimpse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvuKWyZCvUw

If you can find it watch it. It's a great little story!!!

Chick out...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Warning: Beware of Mistletoe when in Britain!

I read the following article online last week and thought I should spread the word to my 3.5 followers. Christmas is definitely in the air and mistletoe is always strewn about like confetti on New Years Eve. Keep this article in mind...

No wandering hands: Etiquette adviser says mistletoe kiss on cheek not lips to avoid swine flu

London (AP)—Britain’s authority on etiquette says it’s more hygienic to exchange kisses on the cheek than to shake hands—so the swine flu pandemic should not make people afraid of kissing under the mistletoe this holiday season.

But Debrett’s warns people to observe proper etiquette by kissing others on the cheek instead of the lips and to avoid touching the person being kissed except on the shoulder or upper arms.

Debrett’s etiquette adviser Jo Bryant warns people who are not feeling well to avoid parties altogether.

She also urges those who have been drinking a lot to steer away from the mistletoe—because their “social skills will be impaired.” She did not elaborate on the swine flu implications of that.

What in the hell??????? I’m wondering if the swine flu is completely out of control in Britain. If they’re taking health tips from an etiquette adviser the Brits are definitely doomed.
Chick out...