Friday, September 25, 2009

The things that men do.....

I'll get into this later but even though I'm single I do have 2 husbands. What follows is a conversation between one of them and a member of the janitorial staff at work:

The cleaning lady that’s been sick for a week and a half is named Jenny.
She emptied my trash and I said, “You’re still sick?”
She said, "Yeah, it’s time for me to go to the doctor.
I said, "That should have been two days ago, now I’m afraid to breathe."
She hit me.
I told her, "Great, the one person that goes into every cube is sick."
She hit me.
She said, “Everyone on the other side of the building is sick, they probably gave it to me!”
I asked “Have you ever seen the movie Outbreak?”
She said, “Yes.”
I said, “You’re the monkey.”
She hit me.

This was the content of the actual email I received from him. He called her a monkey? Good Lord. I did laugh but I still can't believe he called her a monkey. Boys are soooooo stupid. I hope she peed in his garbage can after he left the office......

chick out.....


  1. I am so proud to be your first your blogs you make me laugh!

  2. My first follower!! You're lovely, dahling....
