Monday, October 19, 2009

Miss Kitty

Mine was an old fashioned family. My father brought home the bacon and my mother fried it up in a pan. My mother watched her “stories” during the day and my father chose what we watched at night. The man sure did love his westerns and one of his favorite shows was ….*drum roll please*…Gunsmoke.

I’ll always remember the people of Dodge City. Marshal Matt Dillon…the man who put the fear of God in any criminal that came through town. He kicked asses and took names later. He also had a nose that seemed to grow every single week. By the time the series was over he was all nose and six shooters!!

Then there was Festus…the gimpy, dumbass that was the butt of every joke. Somehow he became deputy. I’m not sure how he achieved that. I mean I’m fairly certain that Dodge City wasn’t an equal opportunity employer. Maybe everyone else in town was afraid of Dillon’s humongous nose to be a deputy??

And finally there was Miss Kitty. Oh my God…I thought she was the most lovely woman in the world. Her clothes were absolutely beautiful and her makeup rivaled modern day makeup artists such as Bobbi Brown. I would just stare at her every week behind the bar of that saloon thinking to myself…I wish my mother was that beautiful. My mother was and still is beautiful but Miss Kitty was just resplendent.

Imagine my horror years later when I discovered that Miss Kitty was…….a……whore!!!!! W-T-F??? She was a whore?? Worse that that, I wanted my mother to look like a whore??? How ridiculous. Here I thought Miss Kitty was just a beautiful and popular barmaid. I had no idea that Matt Dillon, every other man in town, and every man coming through town was snaking her upstairs during commercial breaks.

My childhood memories was shattered...forever.

Chick out…

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